Foundation for Rural and Urban Transformation (FoRUT) was established as a national civil society organization in October 2015. It emerged from FORUT-Sierra Leone, established in 1991 as a Programme of FORUT-Norway. We aim to empower men, women and children to fight poverty, corruption, injustice and alcohol and drug abuse, through social mobilization, advocacy, capacity building, and provision of services for long term development. We work to ensure that the Government of Sierra Leone policies have a positive impact on men, women and children across the country, especially the poor and most vulnerable. We also empower and capacitate communities to exercise their rights and fulfil their responsibilities. In so doing, we play a substantial role in shaping and enforcing national policies and laws that affect citizens and stakeholders.
Our thematic areas are Alcohol, Drugs and Development (ADD), Child Rights (CR) and Gender Equality (GE). To achieve results and make an impact, we work in close collaboration with other Sierra Leone-based civil society networks, the government, our partners and other stakeholders in Sierra Leone and abroad aiming at influencing the public, government and policy makers on the above issues. With the support of NORAD Funds, FORUT-SL continues to work together with other agencies to improve lives of the people in Sierra Leone and protect their assets.
We work in three geographical areas: the Western Urban in the Western Area, Maforki Chiefdom in Port Loko District and Kongbora and Bumpeh Chiefdoms in Moyamba District.
Through our awareness raising activities, safe practices, education, information, and community’s access to the rights tools, we were able to reduce the risk and impacts of the Ebola outbreak in our programme areas, which largely and directly contributed to the minimal case of infection in all 80 villages of FORUT-SL operational areas.
Our Vision
FoRUT envisions a peaceful, corruption-free and democratic Sierra Leone where men, women and children exercise their human rights and live in dignity, free from poverty and social injustice, and where alcohol and drugs do not prevent them from fulfilling their full potential.
Our Mission
FoRUT’S Mission is to empower men, woman and children to fight poverty, corruption, injustice and alcohol and drug abuse, through social mobilization, and advocacy, capacity building, and provision of services for long-term development.
Our Values
- Transparency and Accountability
- Trust worthy
- Team work
- Integrity
- Inclusiveness and equality
- Respect for human rights
Our Strategies