Enhancing Safe and Clean Learning Environment and Quality of Education in Rural Communities in Sierra Leone
The overall objective of this project is to enhance inclusive, safe and clean learning environment and quality education in rural communities in Sierra Leone. The Project mobilizes and facilitates communities to take action to promote the welfare of children in schools. It works with School Management Committees, Village Development Committees and Water Management Committees to see well managed and governed schools with clean, safe, inclusive and child sensitive environment for 4000 pupils. It also works to provide improved WASH facilities in 25 target Schools and Communities through access to sanitation services meeting basic key hygiene standards
The project is implemented in Moyamba Districts, covering 5 chiefdoms with five communities in each of the Chiefdoms. FoRUT is implementing the project in collaboration with National Youth Awareness Forum (NYAF), the Ministry of Water Resources, the Ministry of Basic and Senior Secondary Education and the District Council.
The national advocacy project: Promoting rights, wellbeing and accountability through advocacy
The project envisions that the targeted population is living in a safe and conducive environment where women and children’s rights are promoted and respected and good governance practices prevail that guarantee freedom from corruption, alcohol and drug abuse
The mission of the project is to support well informed and capacitated Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) with the ability to engage and influence national authorities to develop, review, adopt and implement national policies that control alcohol, drug abuse corruption, land tenure system, environmental issues and women and children’s rights in Sierra Leone.
The Project believes that mobilizing and supporting CSO networks at district and national levels and providing appropriate training and support to network members on corruption system analysis, women and children’s rights and land tenure system will capacitate CSO networks with the knowledge and skills to develop strategic plans on policy advocacy.
This project targets 6 districts which includes Bo and Moyamba in the South, Kenema and Kono in the East, Bombali in the north and Port Loko in the north-west of Sierra Leone.
Promoting social rights and responsibilities in urban communities
The project envisions deprived urban community where men, women and children enjoy their rights, including the right to a clean and safe learning and living environment. Children, adolescents, and women access health services, including reproductive health; alcohol and drugs do not hamper children’s development and the wellbeing of families; and youth become responsible and economically self-reliant.
The Project work to support school children, women and men living in slum communities have access to justice through trainings, community engagement sessions and contribute to the provision of safe learning environment. The Project will increase access to, and quality of education at the primary level, and strengthen school management and governance, including child participation, for the effective implementation of the child protection policy.
The Project will support children to become advocates in their schools and communities. The Project will also increase awareness on the harmful effects of alcohol and drugs that will lead to reduced demand and supply of alcohol in communities. It will work towards ending traditional harmful practices such as FGM and early marriage.
FoRUT will support community structures and designated health facilities through the District Health Management teams to achieve clean, safe and healthy environment and ensure basic illness are addressed by these structures at community level and also make appropriate referrals.
Strengthening communities to secure their rights and livelihoods
The Project seeks a community where men, women and adolescent girls and boys live in a safe and conducive learning environment, treated with dignity and enjoy equal access to learning, decision making, sexual and reproductive health and rights, nutrition, livelihoods opportunities and freedom from violence, alcohol and drug abuse, HIV and AIDs and harmful traditional practices.
The project works with School Principals, Headteachers and School Management committees (SMCs) to ensure good quality teaching by monitoring teachers and methods of teaching. They identify and mentor teacher to provide good teaching methods to other teachers. The principals and head teachers will ensure that teachers are punctual and teach effectively in a conducive learning atmosphere for the pupils. They will also ensure that the teachers code of conduct observed. The School Management committees (SMCs) will Monitor and report child rights violations in schools to the appropriate authorities.
The project also works with primary stakeholders such as in and out of school children, under five children, women in reproductive age groups, unskilled youth and those vulnerable to alcohol and drugs, men, and women farmers. It will also target secondary stakeholders such as Civil Society Organizations Parent of children, schools, District Councils, the Ministry of Social Welfare, Gender and Children’s Affairs, the Ministry of Water Resources, the Ministry of Basic and Senior Secondary Education and the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Food Security